Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Six more Congressmen call for Eric Holder's Resignation over Fast and Furious

I've been waiting for this list to grow; it's been rather stagnant lately. Add six more as of today, which puts us at halfway to a majority.

Via Daily Caller:
Six more U.S. Congressmen have demanded Attorney General Eric Holder leave his post this week in the wake of Operation Fast and Furious, bringing the number of U.S. House members pushing for a change in Justice Department leadership to 109.

Spokespeople for Florida Republican Reps. Cliff Stearns and Mario Diaz-Balart told The Daily Caller their bosses agree with the surging group of members already demanding Holder’s resignation. Meanwhile, four new members have signed onto the official House resolution of “no confidence” in Holder — House Resolution 490 –  because of Fast and Furious: Republican Reps. Bill Huizenga of Michigan, Cory Gardner of Colorado, and Pete Olson and Mike Conaway, both of Texas.
If this figure incrementally grows until it reaches a majority, the current position espoused by House Speaker Boehner - that he supports the investigation but will not comment further - might just have to change into something far more substantive. There are currently 242 Republicans in the House. 218 calls for Eric Holder's resignation puts impeachment on the table. With 109 such calls, Republicans are halfway there. As this number continues to grow, so does the pressure on Boehner.

If your congressman is not on the list of those who are calling for Holder's resignation, call him / her and demand they do so.

In case you needed any incentive, it will help put Boehner in a rather hot seat.

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