Sunday, March 18, 2012

U.S. Troops wearing "Infidel" Apparel

Whether it's Rules of Engagement, how not to treat a Qur'an, or a myriad of other things, the U.S. troops are the unfortunate - and undeserving - beneficiaries of political cowardice masquerading as political correctness (which sounds better but essentially means the same thing). As difficult as it may be for them to find ways to identify the enemy, several of them have discovered an ingenious way to have the same effect by identifying themselves as how the enemy sees them.

Via Business Insider:
With tensions at an all time high in Afghanistan following the Koran burnings, the urination video, and the killing of 16 civilians, attention is now falling on a long line of "Infidel" apparel and gear.

Exhausted from how they feel they're being perceived, troops have taken to wearing patches and carrying items that label themselves infidels, and offer translation in local dialect.

In the Muslim world an infidel means literally "one without faith" who rejects the central teachings of Islam. tracked down Clayton Montgomery at Mil-Spec Monkey, a large online seller of infidel gear, who says his most popular item by far is the "Pork Eating Crusader Patch."

The patch includes an image of a knight in a Crusade's tunic, eating what appears to be a large ham hock, and lest there be any confusion — a translation in Arabic.
You watch, these items will be banned if the Muslims yell loud enough about it. At that point, though, they will actually be getting mad because an infidel should not be permitted to identify himself as such. Oh, the insanity.

h/t The Blaze 

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