Monday, March 5, 2012

Video: Al-Qaeda Defense Attorney Promoted to number 3 at Justice Department

Yesterday, it was learned that a man named Tony West was promoted to the number 3 spot at the Justice Department behind Attorney General Eric Holder and Deputy Attorney General James Cole. The problem with West is that he has represented members of America's enemies, including the notorious John Walker Lindh, also known as the "American Taliban."

While appearing on Fox News to discuss the appointment, former Justice Department voting rights attorney, J. Christian Adams was visibly disturbed by it. When asked the expected question about why representing someone like Lindh should be a reflection on West, Adams raised two very key points. One, West didn't just represent Lindh as well as other individuals who represented America's enemies but he continued to speak glowingly of Lindh after the conviction.

The other point raised by Adams was more about conflict of interest. West used to represent Gitmo detainees and is now responsible for setting policy at Gitmo.

This is very, very disturbing.

Via Fox News:

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