Saturday, March 3, 2012

Video: Darrell Issa interview with Greta on Fast and Furious

About a month ago, reports began to surface from "four sources" according to Sipsey Street's Mike Vanderboegh that House Speaker John Boehner may have asked Oversight Chairman, Darrell Issa to pull back on the Fast and Furious investigation. Another report from Vanderboegh involved an alleged deal that would end the investigation; the Justice Department would offer up Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer and his Deputy Chief of Staff, Jason Weinstein in return.

In fairness to Issa and Boehner, this is not ironclad but it is noteworthy for two reasons. One, Boehner's relative silence on anything related to the investigation. Two, Issa's backing down on a threat to issue a contempt order of Attorney General Eric Holder if the latter didn't produce documents demanded in a subpoena. To this point, there still is no date set for Holder to comply. In fact, it is Holder whom Issa has given the privilege of picking a date by which he WILL comply. The word, "limbo" comes to mind.

Back to Breuer and Weinstein. Whether there is a deal or not, it is becoming increasingly obvious that these two men are likely feeling the most heat from Issa's Committee. While the evidence currently available definitely implicates those two men, it strongly points to officials above them, to include Eric Holder. Breuer and Weinstein appear to be guilty of criminal negligence at best but the investigation should absolutely not end with them. If it does, it will be a gross miscarriage of justice.

If you have time, this piece by Ronald Kolb at American Thinker is long but worth the read. It underscores this reality quite well.

That all leads to this exchange between Greta Van Susteren and Rep. Darrell Issa. A former attorney herself, Greta asks good, tough questions here. Also, take note that Breuer and Weinstein appear to be the brightest dots on Issa's radar. That's perfectly fine as long as the other dots don't drop off after taking Breuer and Weinstein down.

Via Oversight and Reform:

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