Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Video: David Axelrod accuses Republicans of Alinsky tactics (he must absolutely hate himself)

Wait a minute. Did the senior political adviser to the top ideological protege of Saul Alinsky just accuse the Republicans of using Saul Alinsky's tactics? If so, then Axelrod knows the true intent of Alinsky is so despicable that he wants to smear others with it while embracing it himself. How on earth does one such as Axelrod live inside his own skin?

First, Alinsky believed that in order to agitate, you had to focus on what the masses were already predisposed to be angry about and intentionally make it worse. In short, it doesn't get much more evil (go figure, Alinsky dedicated his work to Lucifer).

Anyway, during an interview, Alinsky said the following:
"Now it's up to us to go in and rub raw the sores of discontent, galvanize them for radical social change."
Fast forward to today. During an interview with the sycophantic Chuck Todd of MSNBC, Axelrod said something eerily similar, except he wasn't applying it to himself or Obama. He was applying it to his opponents:
"Well, let me say that the Republicans are very good at fanning the flames of discontent. Their whole campaign is predicated on fanning flames of discontent, so it's not surprising that they do that here."
Not much difference between "rubbing raw" and "fanning flames."

CLICK HERE to see the video.

Hopefully, I will never know what it's like to have so much self-loathing to find what I believe to my core to be so despicable that I accuse my enemies of embracing it instead.

h/t Weasel Zippers

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