Saturday, March 24, 2012

Video: Fox Affiliate in Tampa interviews Zimmerman Attorney

Interesting interview with the attorney for George Zimmerman, Craig Sonner. Notice toward the end what Sonner says in response to a question about whether the shooting was racially motivated. Also discussed in this interview is a New Black Panther Party (NBPP) poster that's being widely distributed. It says, "Wanted Dead or Alive" and features a photo of Zimmerman. More on that after Fox interview with Sonner.

Via Fox Tampa:

Here is video of New Black Panther Party (NBPP) leader, Mikhail Muhummud, leading a press conference in which he called for the firing of the local police chief and said that Zimmerman should be in fear for his life. Take note too that Muhummud also announced that NBPP national leader, Malik Zulu Shabazz will be making his way down to Florida as well.

From All Voices via Hapblog:

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