Monday, March 19, 2012

Video: George Clooney's Interviews about Sudan

Here are two interviews with George Clooney about the situation in Sudan. The first is with Fox News Sunday, which was actually shot before he met with Barack Obama on March 15th but it gives you an idea of how he views the situation in the Sudan. In both interviews Clooney and his colleague John Pendergast accurately describe the situation relative to Sudan's oil, its internal battle on how to handle it, and China's concerns but they both overlook the root cause of the genocide. Look, I believe Clooney is well-intentioned but the elephant in the living room is Islam in general and the Muslim Brotherhood in particular.

Near the beginning of the interview with Chris Wallace, both Clooney and his partner, John Pendergast are asked to explain what's behind the genocide in the region. Both give explanations that completely bypass the root cause. They each talk about Northern Sudan - Clooney actually mentions the country's leader, Omar al-Bashir - but neither talks about the religion and political entity that's driving Bashir. In fact, at one point toward the end of the first interview, Clooney actually says his battle is not a political one but that he simply wants to save lives. This is naive and avoids the real problem, which puts him at a significant disadvantage.

The answer is that Bashir is supported by the Muslim Brotherhood, the same Muslim Brotherhood that is taking over the entire Middle East. This is an extremely important omission because until that reality is identified, any and all of Clooney's work is likely to be in vain, or at least dwarfed by the secret agenda of the unnamed enemy. In fact, if Bashir is removed - as Clooney justifiably wants to see happen - the mass murderer will likely be replaced by someone far worse, like Hasan al-Turabi, a much more strident Muslim Brotherhood adherent.

To illustrate this reality, I direct you to this previous post. I also encourage you to go here as well.

Again, Clooney is well-intentioned but he's flying blind, in denial, or both.

Via Fox News:

Clooney also interviewed with David Gregory of Meet the Press. Here, Clooney and Gregory admit that what is happening in the Sudan is the result of "ethnic cleansing" perpetrated by the government of Northern Sudan. Blatantly absent in this analysis is the religion practiced by that government (Islam) and the entity that supports it (the Muslim Brotherhood):

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