Sunday, March 4, 2012

Video Outrage: Illegal Aliens ID themselves as such while disrupting North Carolina legislature

Wanna know how insanely lax our immigration enforcement is? Look no further than North Carolina. At a State Assembly meeting, illegal aliens donned orange shirts that said, "Undocumented and Unafraid" and disrupted the state's legislative business.

In a sane world, such people would be hiding out of fear that they would be deported but in the Obama world, there is no such fear. According one report, none of these people were subsequently deported, which is what should have happened.

As for the mantra on their t-shirts, it apparently hasn't dawned on these illegal aliens that the reason they are so "unafraid" is because they know they can get away with it. If they're so courageous, why don't they go to their home countries and protest their government on issues that cause them to leave in the first place?

It would be a whole lot easier to have compassion for these people if they weren't so arrogant, rude, and disrespectful to the country that is giving them a better life.

How about a dose of humility, whackos?

Via Breitbart:

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