Sunday, March 11, 2012

Video: U.W. Professor on African Studies not impressed with Kony 2012

Yesterday, I wrote about Machine Gun Preacher Sam Childers and his reaction to the Kony 2012 video. In essence, he said the effort is nice but that Joseph Kony is only a small part of the problem. If people were serious about dealing with the real problem, attention should be focused on Northern Sudan's president Omar al-Bashir.

Now, here is Daniel Hoffman, Associate Professor of African Studies at the University of Washington. He basically says that Kony is nowhere near as important as he was five to ten years ago and that he isn't even in Uganda anymore. While he tries not to be critical of Kony 2012, he clearly is when asked to compare Kony to other problems in the region, though he doesn't mention Bashir.

Pay particularly close attention at the 6:00 mark. Hoffman says that if Kony is removed from power, it could take international attention off the region. Again, this is what Childers warned about when he implied that Bashir could commit further genocide against the Christian south if attention is diverted away from it. Bashir is already getting significant pressure from the Muslim Brotherhood to implement stricter forms of Sharia law.

In short, if the Kony 2012 campaign is successful, it could leave the brand new Republic of South Sudan in even more vulnerable, which is exactly what the Muslim Brotherhood wants.

h/t Ted Shoebat

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