Friday, March 2, 2012

Videos: How about the Obama tapes Breitbart had?

Three weeks before Andrew Breitbart's death, he was at CPAC and dropped a bombshell that he had videos of Barack Obama during his college days. As I watched him lower the boom, I thought he was planning to release the videos in October. However, according to his close friend Steve Bannon, the tapes are going to be released in a couple of weeks and are from Obama's time at Harvard. Not sure if releasing the tapes in March instead of October is the best strategy but perhaps plans changed with Breitbart's death. Or, perhaps their so damaging that it won't matter.

Here is Bannon on Hannity's television show via MediaIte:

Here is the video of Breitbart at CPAC less than one month ago. Fast forward to the 5:30 mark to see him make the announcement.

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