Thursday, April 12, 2012

Amazing Video: Mayor Bloomberg loses cool; Ignorant of Black Panther Bounty

This is nothing short of amazing. While politicizing the Trayvon Martin case by issuing his 'gun control friendly' talking points relative to Florida's gun laws allowing George Zimmerman to carry, New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg seemed rather calm. However, when Daily Caller reporter Michelle Fields asked for his take on the New Black Panther Party's bounty on Zimmerman's head, Bloomberg actually got angry at Fields for bringing it to his attention.

Really? We're supposed to believe that Bloomberg knew nothing about the bounty on Zimmerman's head? It's nothing short of stunning to see the lengths politicians will go to have people believe they're this ignorant.

Bloomberg lied in this clip and he got angry at a reporter for making him do it.

Via Daily Caller:

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