Friday, April 6, 2012

Confirmed: White House now part of Fast and Furious Stonewall

Back on March 28th, Rep. Darrell Issa and Sen. Charles Grassley sent a letter to White House counsel, Kathryn Ruemmler, requesting permission to speak with Kevin O'Reilly, a former member of the National Security Staff who is currently in Iraq. Telling is the fact that O'Reilly's attorney said his client is willing to speak with Congressional investigators if the White House permits it. The letter to Ruemmler came with an April 4th deadline for a response. It is now April 6th and there has been no response.

Via the Daily Caller:
The Obama administration is stonewalling two lawmakers’ requests to interview a former member of the National Security staff in connection with the failed Operation Fast and Furious gun-walking program, according to a March 28 letter obtained by The Daily Caller.

California Rep. Darrell Issa and Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley, both Republicans, requested a response by April 4 to their letter, which asks for an interview with Kevin O’Reilly, that former staffer. But the White House, according to the letter, is blocking access to him.

Through staff, both Grassley and Issa confirmed to TheDC on Thursday that April 4 came and went without any response from the Obama administration.
O'Reilly became a person of interest when it was learned by the Oversight committee that he had had e-mail correspondence with then ATF Special Agent in Charge, William Newell about Fast and Furious when O'Reilly was working at the White House.

Again, here is video from July 26, 2011 of the exchange between Oversight Committee member, Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and Newell about one particular e-mail between the former SAC and O'Reilly:

More here.

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