Friday, April 20, 2012

Farrakhan vs. Nugent: which one got a visit from Secret Service?

One of these two men was paid a visit by the Secret Service because of things he said. Before telling you who it is - yes, you probably already know - have a look at what both men said within hours of each other at two separate events.

If you guessed Ted Nugent, you'd be right.

Via Detroit Free Press:
Nugent, 63, confirmed in a statement that “two fine, professional Secret Service agents” came to see him Thursday in Oklahoma, where he was scheduled to play Ardmore’s 2 Frogs Grill that night.

By his account, all parties concluded “that I have never made any threats of violence towards anyone. . . I thanked them for their service, we shook hands and went about our business.”

“The issue has been resolved,” Secret Service spokesman Brian Leary told us. The agency, he said, “does not anticipate any further action.”
Granted, Nugent used a graphic metaphor but it WAS a metaphor. Conversely, it's not clear that Farrakhan was speaking metaphorically or literally.

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