Monday, April 16, 2012

Video: Darrell Issa's NRA Speech

There hasn't been much on the Fast and Furious front these days. When I sent an email to Rep. Darrell Issa's office inquiring as to why, I was sent this YouTube video of the Oversight Committee Chairman's speech at the NRA convention last week.

Here is a quote from it:
“The investigation of Operation Fast and Furious will not end until the full truth of fast and furious is exposed to every American, and that senior officials at the Department of Justice are held accountable, and yes, that includes Eric Holder.”—Congressman Darrell Issa


Here is a portion of my response to Issa's office after receiving the aforementioned video in response to my inquiry about why the Fast and Furious investigation has not been in the news much lately:
Two things:

1.) I very much hope so (that Issa will follow investigation to conclusion) but history is on the side of the skeptics (The fact that Eric Holder is Atty General at all proves this point) 
2.) As you know, this scandal implicates the top levels of the FBI, DHS, ICE, DEA, DOJ, ATF, the State Dept, and even the White House. The fact that Speaker Boehner has been virtually silent instead of presenting an open, transparent, forceful and united front with Rep. Issa is at best unfair on his part and at worst, suspicious.

Thanks for sending

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