Thursday, April 26, 2012

Video Outrage: EPA Official channels ancient Romans; advocates Crucifying Oil Companies

This video is from 2010 and it validates much of what we already know about the bureaucratic minions that operate inside the Obama administration but an extremely crude and graphic metaphor is used here by EPA Region VI Administrator Al Armendariz. While admitting that his analogy is "crude," Armendariz proceeds to repeat it here.

In this video, this pathetic EPA bureaucrat compares what he does to what the Romans did when they went into a town or village; they randomly captured five people and crucified them so that the rest of the town would fall in line.

Alinsky tactics on steroids. Perhaps a Nazi metaphor that describes what Armendariz is advocating is in order.

Since that video was released, Armendariz has made a feeble attempt at an apology.

Via the Washington Times:
A top official at the Environmental Protection Agency has apologized after being captured on video saying his agency’s method of enforcing oil and gas regulations was to find a few bad actors to “crucify” and hold up as examples.

“I apologize to those I have offended and regret my poor choice of words,” Region 6 EPA Administrator Al Armendariz said in a statement first provided to the Daily Caller. “It was an offensive and inaccurate way to portray our efforts to address potential violations of our nation’s environmental laws. I am and have always been committed to fair and vigorous enforcement of those laws.”
That was from the heart, wasn't it?

h/t Weasel Zippers 

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