Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Video: why NBC's 911 Edit of Zimmerman 911 call no mistake

Pajamas Media has put together a video demonstration that shows what it would take for George Zimmerman's 911 call to morph into something racist from something racially innocuous. The official position of NBC is that the edit was an accident, not deliberate. That doesn't just strain credulity; it further implicates the culture at NBC as opposed to the actions of one person. Put simply, it's a lie.

Via PJM:
In the edit booth, whether the editor was working with Final Cut Pro, as our editor was, or Adobe Premiere Pro or Avid or Audacity or Soundbooth — whatever the editing platform used — the Zimmerman edit took several steps. The audio track had to be placed on a timeline for editing. In and out  points had to be set around the words that the editor wanted to remove. Then the editor had to remove those words with a delete action. Then the resulting edit had to be smoothed over, probably with a crossfade, to remove pops or abrupt changes in the background noise.
As someone who uses both Audacity and Adobe Audition on a near daily basis, I can absolutely attest to what this video asserts. There is no question the Zimmerman 911 call was intentionally edited to portray him as racist. Again, the assertion on the  part of NBC that it wasn't, only further damages NBC. This cannot be allowed to just go away.

The Zimmerman 911 edit was on par with a major media outlet yelling, "FIRE!" in a crowded theater.

If NBC continues to allege that the edit was a mistake, perhaps it's time they explain exactly how such a mistake was made in a way similar to this video below.

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