Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Audio: Trump jumps back into the Birth Certificate debate

Few would argue that Donald Trump played a key role in Obama releasing his long form Birth Certificate last year. Once it was released, Trump faded from public view on that issue a bit. Now, a couple of weeks after Breitbart released evidence that Obama's literary agent published a bio that said the then future president was born in Kenya, Trump is now using it to bring his profile to the fore again.

Via the Right Newz / CNBC:

Of course, George Will's performance on ABC's This Week during which he referred to Trump as a "bloviating ignoramus" will do little more than one thing - keep Trump in the news.

Trump then proceeded to go directly after Will via twitter.

Via New York Post:
Trump hit back later Sunday, tweeting, "George Will may be the dumbest (and most overrated) political commentator of all time. If the Republicans listen to him, they will lose."

Just days before he is set to headline a Las Vegas fundraiser with Romney, Trump made headlines by saying in an interview published Friday that he still does not believe Obama was born in the US -- even after the White House released a long-form birth certificate last year showing the president was, in fact, born in Hawaii.

Later Friday, Romney adviser Eric Fehrnstrom sought to distance the candidate from Trump's comments, telling CNN that Romney "accepts that President Obama was born in the United States."

Will may also have a more personal reason for disliking Trump, as the polarizing mogul called him a "totally overrated fool" and a "hack" during a March interview on "FOX & Friends."
Considering how vehemently Andrew Breitbart avoided the issue of Obama's birth certificate, it's mildly ironic that a Breitbart story is giving Trump a second wind on the issue. The Breitbart story may be breathing new life into the Birther movement.

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