Thursday, May 24, 2012

Bald-Faced Evil: 'Doctors' in India feeding aborted female fetuses to Dogs

This report is so despicably unbelievable that I wouldn't have posted it except for the fact that it comes from an extremely reliable source.

Via LifeNews:
In a news story that sounds like it is more out of a bad science fiction movie than reality, a newspaper in India reports doctors in one city are so desperate to hide evidence that they are doing sex-selection abortions that they are feeding the remains of aborted girl babies to dogs.

Sme physicians in the city of Beed, India are engaging in the practice, according to India Today, which spoke with Varsha Deshpande of Lek Ladki Abhiyan, an NGO working against the practice. Maharashtra’s Public Health Minister Suresh Shetty also admitted to the newspaper that he had heard of reports of the practice taking place.
LifeNews quoted India Today:
A person even saw a foetus being fed to the animals. This is known to everyone in Beed, but the police are not taking action as Munde is influential,” Deshpande said.

She added that some other doctors in Beed kept dogs for the same purpose – to avoid the hassle of disposing of the bodies.

Health Minister Shetty said: “I have heard of the practice but have no evidence.”

He added that since the local police seemed to be under a lot of “pressure”, he had decided to ask the crime branch to investigate the latest case.
When it comes to the most evil acts on planet earth, this has got rank in the top three.

h/t GWP

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