Saturday, May 19, 2012

Campaign 2012: Black Liberation Theology vs. Mormonism

On May 16th, as it was being learned that Romney's Super PAC was preparing to go after Obama using Jeremiah Wright, CNN's Roland Martin said: that if "...the GOP wants to do that, then guess what? You're now putting Mormonism on the table."

Guess what else? It doesn't matter whether Romney repudiates the Super PAC for considering an anti-Jeremiah Wright campaign. The liberal media is already going after Romney over Mormonism despite what he says about any proposed ad campaign. Note the straw man here. MSNBC's Ed Schultz pits Mormonism against Jeremiah Wright and Black Liberation Theology anyway.

This is exactly what the left wants and frankly, Romney isn't the least bit prepared for it. If he thinks taking Jeremiah Wright off the table is going to take Mormonism off the table, he's wrong. The left has already put it on the table in response to the sheer notion that the Romney Super PAC would even consider a Jeremiah Wright campaign.

Here is an exchange moderated by Schultz between conservative talk show host Armstrong Williams and Michael Eric Dyson. Note that Williams says Romney repudiated the Super PAC and this should be a dead issue. Schultz and Dyson don't seem to care about that much.

Again, the liberal media sees Mormonism as Romney's biggest weak spot and they're going to go after him full boar over it. They're using the prospect of a Jeremiah Wright campaign as their green light.

Via MediaIte:

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