Tuesday, May 22, 2012

CBS Finally reports on Christian Persecution in Egypt

As Lebanon opened its country to Islam, Christians were persecuted. When Hamas was elected to power in Gaza, Christians were persecuted. When Saddam was overthrown in Iraq, Christians suffered. As the Syrian rebels al-Qaeda and Hamas fights against Bashar al-Assad, they are persecuting Christians. When Mubarak was overthrown in Egypt, the Christians began to suffer. Many of us knew this would happen. Yet, the liberal media that championed the 'Arab Spring' was disinterested. It was journalistic malpractice that should have torpedoed their credibility with the masses.

Instead, they embarrassingly continue to hold a large media megaphone and now, well over a year after Egypt fell, CBS actually discovers Christian persecution in Egypt.

Via NewsBusters:
Sunday's CBS Evening News refreshingly spotlighted the continuing persecution of the Coptic Christians in Egypt, an ongoing story that the Big Three networks have largely ignored for months. Correspondent Elizabeth Palmer zeroed in on the uncertain future for the religious minority as the country gears for a rare election: "[Egypt's] Christians are deeply worried....Two of the frontrunners in the race with a realistic chance of winning are deeply devout Islamists."

The last time CBS reported on the anti-Christian violence in Egypt was a news brief on the October 9, 2011 edition of Evening News, according to a Nexis search. Since January 2011, ABC, NBC, and CBS's morning and evening newscasts have only mentioned the issue six times.

Anchor Jeff Glor introduced Palmer's report by noting that "Egyptians vote this week in the first free presidential election in six decades. There are thirteen candidates running from all over the political spectrum. But Elizabeth Palmer reports tonight Egypt's largest minority fears their situation may go from bad to worse."

The correspondent began with footage of a Christian worship service in Cairo, stating that "the Coptic Christian ritual is ancient and familiar. But outside the door, Egypt now feels unwelcoming and unsafe. Last May, a Coptic church was set on fire in Cairo. Locals blamed Muslims in the neighborhood. And then, in October, Christians protesting the destruction of another church were mowed down by military vehicles."
Suddenly, the mainstream media - the supposed beacon of news and information - has discovered something it should have discovered a year and a half ago.

CBS didn't even wake up after one of its own female reporters - Lara Logan - suffered an extremely violent sexual assault at the hands of a mob of celebratory Islamists who shouted, "Jew! Jew! Jew!"

What the liberal western media isn't doing is criminal.

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