Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Proof Dick Lugar's loss a good thing; John Kerry thinks it's Tragic

36-year Indiana Senator Richard Lugar (RINO), one of the most liberal Republicans in the Senate (take your pick between him, Graham, and McCain) lost his primary to the Tea Party-backed Richard Mourdock. The argument for Lugar - made by the same establishment that wants Mitt Romney to be president - is that he knows how to compromise, which is exactly why the Tea Party wants him out.

Establishment types should also check their loyalties on another front. They're not the only ones upset at Lugar's loss. So is one of the Senate's most liberal Democrats - John Kerry, who is calling Lugar's loss a "tragedy."

Here is a portion of Kerry's statement, via ABC:
This is a tragedy for the Senate and the loss is particularly felt by all of us who have been privileged to serve with Dick on the Foreign Relations Committee,” Kerry said. “It’s a blow to the institution during a period when the institution itself has been strained. Whether he was serving as Chairman or Ranking Member of our Committee, wielding the gavel or working the floor, Dick’s approach to governing was always the same:  he wanted to find serious answers to some of foreign policy’s most vexing questions. He’s a class act and a gentleman and in a Senate that has seen so much change and transition these last years, his expertise on complicated issues honed over 36 years simply can’t be replicated.
If you're ever called a "class act" by John Kerry, it's time to question whether you've crossed the rubicon into the abyss.

Here's another excerpt from Kerry's insane screed:
It will soon almost sound cliched to say that America is safer today because of Dick Lugar’s 36 years of service in the Senate, but it really does bear repeating.
To quote Archie Bunker, "you are defective."

h/t Hot Air

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