Sunday, May 20, 2012

Proof Mormonism will be on the table; Socialist Axelrod says it won't be

Leftists are such consistent liars that they actually tell you the truth. All you have to do is believe the exact opposite of what they say. The latest example comes from Obama senior adviser David Axelrod, who says Mormonism will be 'off the table.' Bet the other way and you have a winner.

Via the National Journal:
As religion becomes an ever-more significant issue on the campaign trail, Mitt Romney's Mormonism will be off-limits as a subject for the opposition, Obama campaign advisor David Axelrod said on Sunday.

"We've said that's not fair game," he said on CNN's State of the Union. When asked whether the campaign "repudiate[s] the idea that Mormonism should be on the table" this election season, Axelrod insisted: "absolutely."

He added, however, that Romney should to come out stronger against attacks on Obama's former pastor, Rev. Jeremiah Wright. A recent GOP ad proposal unearthed by the New York Times that aimed to focus in on Obama's relationship with the pastor brought the racially-charged issue to the forefront of the campaign this week.  While Romney repudiated the ad, Axelrod and he wasn't vehement enough in his disapproval.
Lest we forget that it was Mr. Axelrod who inadvertently tweeted a story about how Mormon churches prevented menstruating women from participating in proxy baptisms to all of his followers. That tweet was quickly deleted.

Actually, you don't even need to wait to see how this one plays out. Axelrod is already lying. As a propaganda arm of the White House, MSNBC has already gone after Mormonism multiple times.

Liberals = Liars
Axelrod = Liberal
Axelrod = Liar

Via Daily Caller:

h/t Hot Air

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