Sunday, May 13, 2012

Video: Democrat Arlen Specter tells Republican voters to re-elect Orrin Hatch

The man who had no political future in the Republican Party after he helped put the 2009 stimulus bill over the top is now encouraging Utah's Republican voters not to "cannibalize" Orrin Hatch. Yes, Arlen Specter betrayed his Party and went to one where he fit right in. So, why would a Democrat encourage Republican voters to vote for Hatch based on the premise that Hatch has the best chance to win? Doesn't make much sense, does it? Wouldn't it make more sense for Specter to encourage those voters to go with the more conservative candidate if he has less of a chance in the general?

The answer is that "D" and "R" are both supposed to fall under the "E" (Establishment) umbrella. This clip should be an instant campaign ad for Hatch opponent Dan Liljenquist.

Via Daily Caller:

Eating RINO is not cannibalism. Cannibalism is what people like Specter have been doing to their country. Here is Specter in 2009 answering questions about his stimulus vote:

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