Monday, May 14, 2012

Video: Hollywood Whacko Will Smith tips his hand on tax threshold

Will Smith, the guy who said in 2009 that "Barack Obama as an idea marks an evolutionary flashpoint for humanity," has apparently revealed a percentage of his wealth that is too high to part with. That figure is either at or below 75%. This is interesting because whenever conservatives engage liberals on tax policy, the left never gives a percentage that's fair. They always default to some "fair share" narrative and their brains seem impervious to the fact that 47% of Americans pay NO taxes and the richest 1% pays over 35% of the federal tax bill.

Here, Smith is confronted with the plan of newly elected French President Francois Hollande - an ideological clone of Smith's hero, Barack Obama - and backtracks. If Smith is willing to pay 30% and is unwilling to pay 75%, what is his limit? Inquiring minds.....

Via Daily Caller:

Will Smith on "Barack Obama as an idea..."

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