Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Video: Obama in Afghanistan; asks for troops to applaud him

Well, at least Barack Obama is putting his transparent side on full display. First, he spikes the football on the one year anniversary of Osama Bin Laden's death; the Navy Seals - both retired and active - vehemently object. Despite objections from Arianna Huffington and other left wing bloggers over the politicizing of bin Laden's death in an election year, Obama doubles down by actually flying to Kabul on what amounts to being a campaign stop so he can pile on by doing an Ochocinco-esque end zone dance.

As if that weren't enough, while speaking to the troops, he asks them to cheer his arrival.

No, I'm not kidding.

Has there ever been a more emotionally immature president in the history of the United States?

Via Hapblog:

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