Friday, May 4, 2012

Video: Rep. Pete Stark's 'Guam might tip over' moment

Yet another in a long line of symptoms that demonstrate why our government is so collectively inept, corrupt, and in some cases, downright wicked. In an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle, Rep. Pete Stark (D-CA) discussed Solyndra's product line. Uh, yeah, I know. They're bankrupt and don't have a product line but when they did, it was solar panels, right? Well, did you know that they are currently producing electric cars? I didn't either but Pete Stark thinks so. They Solyndra "S" is going to cost between $60k-$90k.

Via the Chronicle:
CA East Bay Rep. Fortney “Pete” Stark, 80, identified Fremont-based Solyndra — perhaps the nation’s most notorious solar energy firm and a lightening rod in the 2012 election — as a car manufacturer in his editorial board meeting this week with the San Francisco Chronicle. 
Stark’s comments appear to confuse Solyndra — which went bankrupt last year after receiving a $535 million federal loan guarantee — and Tesla Motors, a Fremont-based manufacturer of upscale electic cars now located at the site of the former NUMMI plant.

Asked about his views on new policies regarding Silicon Valley and high tech, including Solyndra, the Congressman said: “I wish I had enough expense allowance to get one of those new “S’s” that Solyndra’s going to make down there, the electric 10 year old  (son) is after me. He no longer wants a Porsche. He wants dad to have an “S” sedan,’ Stark said. “They sound wild. They run $60,000-$90,000.”

The Congressman now seeking his 20th term never acknowledged his error: It’s Tesla Motors, also based in Fremont, and not Solyndra, that makes electric cars, including the”S” sedan as part of its lineup of toney electric cars.
Watch for yourself. I'll bet Rep. Hank Johnson might be able to convince Stark that Guam might tip over if it became too overly populated.

h/t Weasel Zippers

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