Thursday, May 17, 2012

Was Biden's mad rant related to his gay marriage gaffe?

Barely more than a week after Joe Biden's gay marriage gaffe on Meet the Press, he came unhinged in Ohio and went on an incoherent rant, saying among other things, "they don't get us." You're right, Joe. If I'm in the "they" to which you refer, I don't get insane.

In any case, if Biden's gaffe was actually a gaffe and not an Alinsky-style distraction concocted by the likes of David Axelrod, this rant makes a bit more sense. Reports are that the administration was livid with Joe after he told David Gregory that he supports gay marriage because it forced Obama to come out in support of it too. The president has been dropping in the polls ever since, so it's quite possible that Biden is the object of increasing daily ire from the inner circle.

It's speculation, yes, but if Biden is getting beaten like a dog behind closed doors, lashing out at straw men in Youngstown, OH could be one way for him to deal with it.

Got any other ideas?

Via The Blaze:

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