Monday, June 4, 2012

Chicago Way hits Long Island; cops allegedly demoted for voting Republican

Earlier today, I posted the story about the Democratic Party in Wisconsin identifying registered Democrats - by name - who haven't voted in the last two elections and asking registered Democrats to put pressure on them to vote in the upcoming recall election in that state.

Now this.

Via New York Post:
Six Long Island cops claim their commissioner is putting politics before the badge.

The Long Beach crime fighters say they’ve been targeted by the seaside town’s Democratic machine for supporting GOP candidates in local elections last year.

Long Beach Police Commissioner Michael Tangney, a longtime Democrat, demoted the cops, cut their overtime, switched them to midnight tours and even filed false internal charges against them for “political payback,” the veteran officers claim in a $39 million lawsuit.

“It’s just the way politics work in this town,” Tangney allegedly told one of the officers while demoting him.

Officers James Canner, 44; Karl Hayes, 42; James McCormack, 55; John Radin, 53; Benjamin Tayne, 47; and Jose Miguez, 39, claim they turned to their union for help, but that then-president Stefan Chernaski, another Democrat, ignored them.
More 'tolerance' from the left.

h/t WZ

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