Saturday, June 2, 2012

Confirmed: Romney avoiding Fast and Furious

Mitt Romney is now officially avoiding the Fast and Furious scandal. Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) is one member of Congress who doesn't seem willing to accept that.

Via Daily Caller:

Fast and Furious was a program of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, overseen by Holder’s DOJ. It sent thousands of weapons to Mexican drug cartels via straw purchasers — people who purchased guns in the United States with the known intention of illegally trafficking them somewhere else.

At least 300 people in Mexico were killed with Fast and Furious weapons, as were U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry and Immigration and Customs Enforcement agent Jaime Zapata. The identities of the Mexican victims are unknown. Many questions about this scandal remain unanswered as the White House and the Department of Justice have resisted talking about it.

The Romney campaign has resisted talking about it, too. Romney campaign spokeswoman Andrea Saul has not returned requests for comment from TheDC for months and the presumptive GOP presidential nominee hasn’t mentioned the scandal in about two months...
...Gosar said he thinks that if Carney was forced to answer questions about Fast and Furious in a similar manner to how Solyndra came up this week, the White House press secretary would only be able to utter a cartoon character response: “That, that, that’ll be all folks.”

“Then, I think what that does is it puts the focus and the spotlight under the magnifying glass,” Gosar said. “And, first of all, that’s why they’ve stalled: They have no answers. It’s because their hands are tied to the cookie jar.”

Gosar added that the “only reason this came to the forefront” in the first place about a year and a half ago was “the untimely death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.”

“And that’s what’s so sad about this: The despicable actions of this administration as a government against its people – and this is my backyard, this is in Arizona, and we’re fed up with this,” Gosar added. “We’re fed up because we have to deal with the consequences, our law enforcement on our city, county and state level, the citizens, their property, their lives are on the line here.”

Romney spokeswoman Andrea Saul did not respond to multiple requests for comment for this story.
Remember, the establishment has all endorsed Romney, which includes Speaker John Boehner, Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and Party Whip Kevin McCarthy. All four men seem to be following the same playbook.

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