Thursday, June 21, 2012

David Duke Endorses Black Democrat

Ok, so how does a former KKK Grand Wizard endorse a black candidate, who is also a Democrat, for Congress? Perhaps this is the strongest indicator yet that ideology trumps race.

Via Daily Caller:
The Democratic Party is facing an awkward problem Thursday because white supremacist David Duke has endorsed the leading candidate in the Democratic Party’s primary race for a New York House seat.

Duke says he’s endorsing Charles Barron, the leading candidate for the 10th district primary on June 26, because of their shared emnity toward “zionists.”

Barron is an African-American city politician who has been slammed as an anti-white racist and as a Jew-hater. However, he’s already got the endorsement of the retiring Democratic congressman, Rep. Edolphus Towns.
Edolphus Towns is also black.

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