Saturday, June 16, 2012

POLITICO Reporter: Daily Caller's Munro is a Raciss for Interrupting Obama

The latest from the left wing bunch that insists on operating from a premise that says if you disagree with Barack Obama, you must be a racist. On a day when Obama announced he was breaking the law to grant amnesty to 2 - 3 million illegal immigrants by going around Congress to do it, the Daily Caller's Neil Munro attempted to get Obama to answer questions about how his Executive Order will impact working Americans.

Later in the day, MSNBC's Michael Eric Dyson, who happens to be black, kicked off his interview with POLITICO reporter Joe Williams, who is also black, by referring to him as "Brother Joe." The two then pushed the narrative that Neil Munro must be racist for interrupting Obama on a day that the president broke the law.

Which is the worse infraction?

Williams and Dyson point to the previous incidents of when Joe Wilson shouted, 'You Lie' to Obama during a Joint Session of Congress and Arizona Governor Jan Brewer waving her finger at Obama on the tarmac. Aside from the ironic reality that Obama's actions today, validate Joe Wilson's words in 2009, Brewer is rightfully frustrated with Obama, not based on skin color but based on the fact that he's meddling in her state's business and suing her. Translation: If you're sued by someone who is black and don't take it lying down, you're a racist.

In the 'Heads I win, tails you lose' world of the liberal media, challenging the first black president is far worse because it necessarily means YOU'RE racist, regardless of HIS actions.

Speaking of Obama's actions, in addition to his illegal run around Congress, he's also a confirmed liar when it comes to his denial in 2008 of never being a member of the Socialist New Party.

Pointing these things out, however, could get you branded a racist. At what point do race-baiters take their rightful place as the true racists?

Via NewsBusters:

Since Williams brought up the Joe Wilson incident, have a look at it. Note, that Obama said Obamacare would not apply to those in the country illegally. Wilson responded with, 'You Lie.' Yesterday, Obama announced amnesty for 2-3 Million illegals. Any guesses as to who will pay for their health care?

Newsflash to Dyson and Williams: When people are lied to constantly, they generally don't like it, regardless of what color the liar happens to be. Again, Obama is a L-I-A-R. The New Party flap proves it.

RINO Senator John McCain, whose past words and stances seem to come back to haunt him every time Obama shows who he really is, demanded Wilson apologize at the time. Perhaps it's time for McCain to call up Wilson and apologize to him.

Here is the Daily Caller's Neil Munro with Nicholas Ballasy, explaining what happened from his perspective. Note how Munro admits that he perhaps asked his question too soon because he thought Obama was done speaking. There hasn't been one scintilla of even a faint admission of wrongdoing from the other side:

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