Saturday, June 2, 2012

Video: Alex Jones Minion descends into Profanity-laced tirade at Bilderberg Conference

If you believe the adage that says the first person who descends to the level of profanity and insults rather than a cogent and rational argument automatically loses the argument, this is an instant classic to reinforce your belief in that adage. While standing outside the Bilderberg conference at a Marriott Hotel, an unidentified Alex Jones minion (AJm) implied that because Europeans built the hotel and sold it to the Marriott, it was no coincidence that the Bilderberg conference was held there.

When the Daily Caller's Jason Weinstein attempted to explore that line of reasoning, AJm had several miniature explosions go off inside his cranium. The relief valve was his mouth.


Via the Daily Caller:

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