Saturday, June 16, 2012

Video: Bill O'Reilly Channels John McCain over heckler in Rose Garden

Bill O'Reilly, once again, shows himself to be more interested in a public perception that he is above the fray than in taking a principled stand. First, he refers to Obama's granting amnesty to 2-3 million illegal aliens as "humane," spending no time on the fact that the president has circumvented Congress in an illegal and unconstitutional power grab to secure more votes (and put more illegals on Obamacare rolls - see Joe Wilson).

Then, he channels John McCain who, after Rep. Joe Wilson shouted, 'You Lie' at Obama in a 2009 during a Joint Session of Congress, demanded Wilson apologize. O'Reilly falls back on the same argument when talking about the exchange between Neil Munro and Obama in the rose garden, saying that regardless of what you think of the President, the office of the Presidency must be respected. That's a fair point but it's Obama who is disrespecting the office far more than Wilson or Munro.

At some point, doesn't Obama become responsible for these reactions? Lying to the country in 2008 about being a member of the socialist New Party should absolutely anger people. Perhaps Bill O'Reilly should crack open Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. Use of those tactics by Obama is like breathing for most people. He knows that these overreaching actions will get reactions. Alinsky taught how to get your opponents to react to your advantage.
“The enemy properly goaded and guided in his reaction will be your major strength.” -Saul Alinsky
Obama knows this and O'Reilly, who has taken the bait, does not.

Via MediaIte:

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