Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Video: Did Hillary throw Holder under the Bus?

At today's contempt hearing for Eric Holder, Rep. Connie Mack (R-FL) once again referenced the Arms Export Control Act. This law requires any entity that sends weapons out of the United States (in this case, the Department of Justice) to get a written waiver from the State Department. In short, if Holder was involved in Fast and Furious and no written waiver exists, he's broken that law. If the waiver does exist, then Hillary's State Department is on the hook.

Here is Mack making reference to an exchange he had with Hillary last year. Note that Mack said today that the State Department informed him that no waiver was issued. Relevant excerpt begins at the 2:00 mark:

Here is the exchange between Mack and Hillary Clinton back in October that Mack referenced today:

If Mack is saying that the State Department has informed him that no waiver was ever issued to the Justice Department, Holder has a new set of problems courtesy of Hillary Clinton.

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