Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Video: Holder grilled by Lindsey Graham at Senate Committee Hearing

There seems to be a very interesting dynamic developing among members of Congress. First, there appears to be more outrage over the national security leaks that Democratic pollster Pat Caddell says rather emphatically came from National Security Advisor Tom Donilon than over Fast and Furious. This is very likely because the leaks have some prominent Democrats like Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) outraged where support for the Fast and Furious investigation is still largely partisan. Second, at least on the Republican side of the aisle, these leaks seem to have compounded what anger did exist over the botched gun walking program previously.

Senator John Cornyn provided one example of this at the June 12th Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing, when he referenced both and concluded - to Holder's face - that the Attorney General should 'resign.'

Senator Lindsey Graham provided another example. While Graham referenced Fast and Furious, he did so in the scope of a larger argument about the leaks. In particular, what has the Senator from South Carolina's dander up here is who Holder appointed to investigate the leaks - two Justice Department Attorneys. Graham wants someone a bit more independent. He also makes very sound arguments while making reference to two scandals that took place under the Bush Administration - Valerie Plame and Jack Abramoff.

Holder has literally no coherent response to the inconsistencies pointed out by Graham when it came to Democratic insistence that independent counsel be provided under the previous administration but not here, with national security leaks that potentially border on treason.

One of the arguments from those who have a big problem with these leaks is that people have died - and will continue to die - as a result. That does sound a bit like Fast and Furious, does it not? Hundreds of Mexicans have been killed already and more will, which Holder himself has admitted, as long as F&F guns are out there. Another similarity is Holder's insistence that the DOJ Inspector General conduct the investigation into Fast and Furious. That investigation coverup has been going on for well over a year and a half.

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