Thursday, June 7, 2012

Videos: Darrell Issa and Trey Gowdy go after Eric Holder (again) over Fast and Furious

As expected, the exchange between Eric Holder and Darrell Issa at today's House Judiciary committee hearing was the most compelling but in watching these hearings over a span of a year and a half now, there doesn't seem to be any new ground being broken with respect to holding the Attorney General accountable. It's good theater but it's becoming tiresome theater as well.

Nonetheless, this might be the most visibly agitated Issa has been to date. He relies on the optics of the copies of the wiretap applications that have come into his possession and doesn't let up despite Holder's continued stonewalling and interruptions from Democratic committee members.

If there's one thing today's hearing confirmed, it's that unless that contempt citation is issued to Holder, no new ground is going to be broken.

The other exchange of note came courtesy of Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC). Here, Gowdy takes aim at Holder's charge that the Fast and Furious investigation is politically motivated.

Again, however, for new ground to be broken, that contempt citation needs to be issued.

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