Sunday, June 10, 2012

Who's Lying? David Axelrod or Eric Holder?

At the June 7th House Judiciary Committee Hearing, Rep. Randy Forbes (R-VA) asked Attorney General Eric Holder about the AG's relationship with Senior Adviser to Barack Obama, David Axelrod. Fast forward to the 1:30 mark for the relevant excerpt. Here are some quotes from Holder that might raise some eyebrows after watching the exchange between Axelrod and CNN's Candy Crowley.

From the June 7th hearing, via the Daily Caller:

Note that Holder asserts that he'd had conversations with Axelrod about how best to handle political attacks that were being levied against the Justice Department. Forbes also got Holder to admit to having conversations with Axelrod and the White House Counsel's office about how to address Congress relative to Fast and Furious.

Contrast Holder's claims about his meetings with Axelrod with the words of Axelrod himself, today on CNN's State of the Union. Axelrod says he "rarely spoke to (Holder)." When asked by Crowley if he ever offered political advice to Holder, Axelrod had a one-word answer:


Via DC:

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