Sunday, July 22, 2012

Bachmann goes after Keith Ellison's ties to the Muslim Brotherhood

Patrick Poole at Pajamas Media reports on Michele Bachmann's decision not to back down in the face of attacks from her own party who object to her raising legitimate questions about Huma Abedin. Instead, Bachmann appears to have turned her sights on Muslim Congressman Keith Ellison and his connections to the Muslim Brotherhood through CAIR.

Rep. Keith Ellison Rewrites History on his Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR Ties.

As I wrote here, Ellison's decision to go on the Congressional record with his public letter to Bachmann that defended individuals like Suhail Khan, Mohamed Magid, Huma Abedin, and others may ultimately be a decision he will regret.

If his ties to the Brotherhood are exposed, his defense of those individuals only implicates him further.

Poole has much more evidence in his article but here is video of Ellison giving a videotaped address to a CAIR National fundraiser shortly after he won his election back in 2006:

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