Saturday, July 21, 2012

Huma Abedin's IMMA Membership and John McCain's shameful speech

The Institute for Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA) was led by Huma Abedin's parents, both of whom had the active support of Al-Qaeda Godfather Abdullah Omar Naseef, according to Jorgen S. Nielsen, Professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Copenhagen. We already know that Huma's mother is a leader with the Muslim Sisterhood and Huma's brother served as a Fellow at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OCIS) with Naseef (Chairman) for at least five years (2004-2008) and probably more.

Yet, Senator John McCain said the following on the floor of the Senate just this week:
"The letter in the report offer not one instance of an action, a decision, or a public position that Huma has taken while at the State Department or as a member of then Senator Clinton's staff, that would lend credence to the charge that she is promoting anti-American activities within our government."                     - Senator John McCain - July 18, 2012
Perhaps if Senator McCain were a bit more intellectually curious, he would seek to inquire about Huma Abedin's time and "public position" as an Assistant Editor with the IMMA as recently as 2008, alongside two of her family members, who have confirmed ties with Muslim Brotherhood entities and individuals.

Then again, he would apparently rather impugn Michele Bachmann's character.

Moreover, Speaker John Boehner (R-OH), Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL), and Senator Scott Brown (R-MA) may want to re-think speaking out in defense of Abedin until they examine all the facts as well. After all, their legacies are at stake.

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