Thursday, July 26, 2012

Huma Abedin's Sister (Heba Abedin) comes to her defense

It appears that Huma Abedin has a new defender - her sister. Heba Abedin, known on twitter as @hebs23 is pushing her followers to sign a petition demanding that Michele Bachmann apologize for raising very legitimate questions about Huma Abedin connections to Muslim Brotherhood groups and individuals.

One can certainly understand why anyone would come to the defense of his / her sibling. However, in this case, the evidence of Huma's connections is so strong that her family members should be demanding that she disprove them. Does Heba know that her mother is a member of the Muslim Sisterhood? Does Heba know that her sister served on the Board of the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA) for at least six years? Does Heba know that her brother is connected to both Abdullah Omar Naseef and Yusuf al-Qaradawi through the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies? What does Hema know about the IMMA that her parents jointly headed for many years and her mother leads now? Does Heba know about her mother's involvement with the IICWC, an organization that condones marital rape and Female Genital Mutilation?

Nonetheless, Heba is siding with the likes of John McCain and Ed Rollins and lining up against Michele Bachmann. Perhaps this is nothing more than family loyalty but at some point, people choose sides after all of the facts are out there. When it comes to Huma there are a LOT of very disturbing facts available.

Here is a screen shot of some of Heba's tweets on this matter:

It seems that Heba is on the same page as CNN's Anderson Cooper and Arianna Huffington as well. After receiving a snarky tweet from Arianna Huffington, Heba tweeted Arianna a link to the petition that's demanding an apology from Bachmann:

Heba also re-tweeted what appeared to be a tweet from a jubilant Anderson Cooper, who appeared to love McCain's deplorable attack on Bachmann:

On a separate but semi-related note, as the Weiner 'sexting' scandal was breaking last year, both the Daily Mail and Global Grind identified Heba Abedin as one of "the Girls of Weinergate." Heba was apparently a follower of Huma's husband.

The NY Daily News also identified Heba as Huma's sister.

While writing this post, twitter went down and we have not been able to pull additional screen shots.

Cross-posted at

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