Thursday, July 19, 2012

More Disgrace: Boehner sides with Huma's Al-Qaeda-connected family against Bachmann

The Republican establishment appears to be lining up with Huma Abedin against Michele Bachmann. Yesterday, it was John McCain and Bachmann's former campaign Chief Edward Rollins throwing her under the bus. Today, it's none other than Speaker John Boehner, who is coincidentally still trying in vain to find a spine over Operation Fast and Furious.

Via The Inquisitor:
House Speaker John Boehner has also rushed to the defense of Abedin, warning lawmakers against making serious reputation-tarnishing allegations without hard evidence to back them up, reports the Huffington Post. “From everything that I do know of [Abedin], she has a sterling character and I think accusations like this being thrown around are pretty dangerous,” he said.
Senators Scott Brown (R-MA) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) have also decided to line up against Bachmann. These politicians are etching their names in a book that will disgrace their legacies, whether they know it or not.

**UPDATE** Here's the video of Boehner defending Huma and chiding Bachmann. Note that he doesn't even know how to pronounce Abedin's first name. That could be a clue that Boehner is clueless about the facts but maybe that's just me.

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