Monday, July 2, 2012

Secret Service shuts down protest of Eric Holder outside White House

To the left, protesting comes as easily as breathing; it's what they do and they're rarely shut down. I refer you to the countless OWS protests, which actually proudly displays its running arrest count; it now stands at over 7,000. Today, about 30 protesters appeared in front of the White House to protest against Eric Holder and Barack Obama over the handling of Fast and Furious.

The Secret Service shut it down after seeing a backpack with no owner. Apparently, the owner of said backpack was a woman who put it down to take a picture of the White House. We all know that OWS has left quite a few things behind without consequence, but I digress.

Matthew Boyle at Daily Caller has a video report with more details about what happened outside the White House:

Hopefully, this will inspire more protests. There is obviously some hypersensitivity within the administration when it comes to Fast and Furious.

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