Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Video: Bob Beckel tells Romney who he should tap as VP

Yesterday, Bob Beckel told Mitt Romney who the Republican nominee should select as his running mate but he didn't do it in so many words; he did so in how he reacted to the words of Allen West. After Eric Bolling played a clip of Allen West comparing out of control entitlements to modern day "slavery", Beckel went off in a case of 'thou doth protest too much'.

Just like in 2008, the left will always object most emphatically to those whom they fear the most. The left didn't fear John McCain because they knew he'd play nice and that they could take advantage of it. They DID fear Sarah Palin, which is why she was attacked like no other vice presidential candidate in U.S. history.

Calling Allen West a 'blowhard' and telling him to 'shut up' demonstrates that Beckel views the retired Lt. Col. in much the same way that he views Sarah Palin.

Via Mediaite:

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