Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Video: Romney's Eric 'Etch-a-Sketch' Fehrnstrom sides with Obama

Here is Exhibit A for why the liberal media wanted Mitt Romney to be the Republican nominee. They knew the day would come when camp Romney would be incoherent when it came to drawing a contrast between Obamacare and Romneycare. Romney adviser Eric Fehrnstrom of etch-a-sketch fame appeared on MSNBC and told Chuck Todd that the Individual Mandate is a penalty and not a tax. In essence, the mouthpiece for Mitt Romney agrees with Obama.

The main reason Romney is now in a box is because he referred to the individual mandate in Romneycare as a penalty. The result here is that camp Romney now agrees with camp Obama.

The only thing missing from this clip is some accompanying circus music.

Via GWP: 

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