Friday, August 17, 2012

Klein: Valerie Jarrett's meeting with Hillary Clinton

According to Edward Klein, author of "The Amateur", Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had lunch with Obama's closest advisor Valerie Jarrett recently and when the subject turned to Clinton's interest in a VP slot, there wasn't any. In fact, if Klein is correct, the only reason she's not on the ticket already is because she doesn't want to be, not because Obama wouldn't do it.

Klein has benefited from increased credibility based on the contents of his book. He has demonstrated an uncanny knack for getting sources - even from opposing camps - to talk to him; his audio recorded interviews with Jeremiah Wright went a long way in this regard.

Via Daily Caller:
Pundits and talking heads have discussed in recent weeks the possibility of Vice President Joe Biden being replaced on the Democratic presidential ticket, particularly with news of his brief hiatus from the spotlight this weekend.

“Up until just a couple of weeks ago the White House was putting out feelers to see if Hillary would accept the vice-presidential nod and replace Joe Biden,” Klein said. “Bill Clinton was, I’m told, urging his wife to accept the number two slot. He saw this as a great launching pad for her for running in 2016.”

“But then Hillary had lunch in the White House a couple of weeks ago with Valerie Jarrett — Michelle [Obama]’s best friend, senior adviser to both the first lady and the president … and she told Valerie that she would not accept the vice president’s spot. The lunch was ostensibly about other matters, but it came up. … Hillary felt burned out after four years as Secretary of State. But I’m told there were more important reasons for her not accepting.”

Those reasons, Klein explained, involve the former first lady being put in positions that would make her vulnerable if she should decide to run for president four years from now.
So, Bill wants Hillary on the ticket; Obama - through Jarrett - appears to believe that teaming up with Hillary gives him the best chance in November. If Klein is right, Hillary is the reason it isn't a done deal yet. As Kudlow and Klein discuss in the exchange below, Obama only has about three weeks to change horses. Depending on how relentless the pressure on Hillary gets, coupled with how sweetened the pot gets, things could change.

If Obama continues to drop and Romney / Ryan continues to rise, look for the president's campaign to treat Hillary like every major college treats the nation's top recruit before National Signing Day.

For some reason, this clip from 2008 just came to mind:

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