Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Shoebat explains the goals of Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA)

Back on July 24th, former Muslim Brotherhood activist Walid Shoebat dropped a 37-page bombshell that showed how connected the Abedin family is to the Muslim Brotherhood in general and an al-Qaeda financier (Abdullah Omar Naseef) in particular. The central point of contact for these individuals was the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA).

In this explosive, 13-page follow-up report, Shoebat looks into the goals of IMMA itself and they are more than just a little shocking. The father of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's closest advisor, Huma Abedin (Syed Z. Abedin, deceased in 1993), was key to Shoebat's findings. The elder Abedin helped get the IMMA off the ground in the late 1970's and worked closely with Naseef in order to do so.

What Shoebat was able to uncover is the force behind Naseef - the Saudi Royal family. He claims to have translated its manifesto, which includes the agenda of IMMA.

Note  how "Muslim Minority Affairs" sounds so tranquil; that is by design according to these findings, which allege IMMA's true intent is to work toward the transformation of every nation that is currently a Muslim minority nation into a Muslim majority nation. The manifesto explains exactly how to do it.

Based on Shoebat's conclusions, this is what we can say with relative certainty:
  1. Al-Qaeda financier Abdullah Omar Naseef, with the backing of the Saudi Royal family worked with Huma Abedin's father Syed Z. Abedin to form the IMMA. A man named Ahmad Bahefzallah worked between the two on the organization's flow chart.
  2. The objective of the IMMA is to turn Muslim minorities into Muslim majorities worldwide.
  3. When Syed died in 1993, his wife Saleha (Huma's mother) took the reigns as chief editor.
  4. Saleha is a leader within the Muslim Brotherhood's 'Muslim Sisterhood' division.
  5. Naseef served on the Editorial Advisory Board of IMMA from at least 1996 - 2003 (probably for years prior since he founded the organization).
  6. Huma served as an Assistant Editor of IMMA from 1996 - 2008, which means she served with Naseef for at least seven years.
  7. Huma left IMMA shortly before taking her current position as Deputy Chief of Staff for Hillary Clinton.
  8. Huma's brother - Hassan Abedin - serves on the Board of IMMA as an Associate Editor and also served as a fellow at the Oxford Centre for Islamic Studies (OCIS) while Naseef was the Chairman of the Board there and the Muslim Brotherhood's spiritual leader, Yusuf al-Qaradawi, served on its Board.
  9. Huma's sister - Heba - currently serves as Assistant Editor of IMMA.
  10. We still have no answers regarding how Huma Abedin obtained her security clearance with the State Department.
Barack Obama defended Huma Abedin at the August 10, 2011 White House Iftar dinner.


Here is a link to Jamie Glazov's interview with Shoebat.

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