Saturday, August 4, 2012

Video: Romney asked about Chick-fil-A and Huma Abedin; punts on both

While in Reno, NV Mitt Romney was asked to respond to both the Chick-fil-A and Huma Abedin controversies. One had to deal with a rebuke of Chicago-stye fascism and the American people standing up against it; the other has to do with some increasingly alarming connections to the Muslim Brotherhood at our State Department.

The good news is that Romney didn't take the position John McCain did and attack Michele Bachmann when asked about Huma Abedin. The not so good news is that he didn't take a position at all. If you were looking for anecdotal evidence for why the Tea Party isn't warming up to Mitt Romney, this is it.

While it can be understood that Romney made a political calculation here, imagine what the response of a Newt Gingrich or a Sarah Palin would be in the same circumstance. You can guarantee it would consist of red meat. The more I think about this response, the more I disagree with it. More than anything else, it very well could foreshadow a very moderate presidency.

h/t Hot Air:

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