Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Video: Sarah Palin hits back at Dick Cheney

Why is Sarah Palin still scaring the Republican establishment? She's not running for anything. Why do members of that establishment feel the need to continue to go after her? The answers to those questions are that she still wields power (see Ted Cruz vs. David Dewhurst). It smacks of a case of 'thou doth protest too much.' Dick Cheney was the latest to do so, this Sunday, calling McCain's decision to select her as his running mate in 2008 a 'mistake.'

In reality, if 2008 taught us anything, it was that McCain was the mistake and the best thing he did was select Palin.

While appearing on Greta, Sarah Palin hit back at Cheney.

Via Daily Caller:
“Well, seeing as how Dick — excuse me, Vice President Cheney never misfires, then evidently, he’s quite convinced that what he had evidently read about me by the lamestream media having been written what I believe is a false narrative over the last four years, evidently, Dick Cheney believed that stuff, and that’s a shame,” Palin said. “So he characterized me as being a mistake.”

But Palin argued that the mistake wasn’t her selection. It would have been if she declined the nomination and pointed to her high numbers at the time of the 2008 presidential race that made her an attractive candidate.

“Here’s where the mistake would have been, Greta, I believe. It’s had I not answered the call — I was honored to get to run for vice president of the United States alongside Senator John McCain. I was honored to accept the nomination from the GOP. And I think that the mistake would have been me just deciding that, ‘Hey, I love my 86-87 percent approval rating up there in Alaska as the governor, moving and shaking and watching corrupt politicians and businessmen go to prison for crony capitalism, working on 16 to 20 percent of domestic energy supplies being able to be increased via Alaska’s resource development, ethics reform legislation that I was working on — that led to that 86 percent approval rating.”
People often forget that Palin did what the Republican establishment, which refers to her as things like a 'mistake' or unqualified, consistently prove incapable of doing - holding themselves and others accountable. In that regard, Palin was more qualified than McCain - in 2008. At minimum, she almost dragged McCain across the finish line despite his apparent unwillingness to cross it.

There are several reasons why the establishment resents the Tea Party. The former has a few secrets it doesn't want the latter to have access to. Sarah Palin - along with the candidates she continues to endorse and help win - represents forces that are demanding accountability from an establishment that doesn't like those forces and individuals on its heels.

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