Monday, September 10, 2012

9/11 Bombshell Report: 3000 Americans for Three Saudi Princes

Link to 21-Page 9/11 Bombshell Report below...

Conspiracy theories about 9/11 are in abundance. Some even believe that it was an "inside job". We reject this notion completely. However, it is becoming increasingly obvious that the Bush administration made a conscious and very ill-advised decision not to go after the real perpetrators of the attacks - Saudi Government officials, Princes, and wealthy financiers. The accounts of the deaths of three Saudi Princes in particular don't just border on absurd; they cross the line into absurdity. Foul play is the only logical conclusion.

On the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, Americans should come to grips with the fact that those responsible for attacking us have not been brought to justice. Yes, Osama bin Laden is dead and the nineteen hijackers who rammed our own airliners into our own buildings in order to slaughter 3000 Americans are long gone but who provided al-Qaeda with the financing necessary to carry out these attacks and why were so many individuals and entities who were responsible, not mentioned in the 9/11 Commission Report at all?

Three Saudi Princes were outed by Abu Zubaydah thanks to Enhanced Interrogation Techniques (EIT); three hundred Saudis were permitted to fly out of the United States in the days after 9/11, many of whom were not questioned, including one of the three Princes; this means that U.S. authorities allowed at least one culpable Saudi Prince out of the country. Were there more?

The cold hard truth is that our government knew full well who was responsible for the 9/11 attacks and chose NOT to make them pay.

Unless, of course, you believe three Saudi Princes were solely responsible for the deaths of 3000 Americans.

9/11: 3000 Americans for Three Saudi Princes - New detalis about the Troubling Omissions of Saudi Arabia's wealthy from 9/11 Commission Report

Cross-posted at Shoebat

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