Saturday, September 22, 2012

Anti-Muhammad film vs. 'Piss Christ'; Are you choking on the hypocrisy yet?

Barack Obama said Jeremiah Wright converted him to Christianity. Yet, when it comes to the 'Arab Spring' and the rise of the Muslim Brotherhood all across the Middle East, it's Christians who are being ignored by this administration. Just contrast the lack of attention in the mainstream media (White House ventriloquist dummy) given to Egypt's Coptic Christians and compare it to the constant sympathy for the Syrian rebels, who resemble the Muslim Brotherhood more each day.

The latest example comes courtesy of the reaction of the Obama / Hillary tandem to the anti-Muhammad film vs. their non-reaction to the news that 'Piss Christ' will be on display in a New York Gallery next week.

First up, here is the video ad that includes both Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in which both decry the anti-Muhammad film. Clinton, once again, goes out of her way to stress that the U.S. Government had "nothing to do" with the making of the film. American taxpayer dollars were used to air this ad throughout Pakistan. The ultimate irony here is that the hypocrisy itself proves what we all know to be true. It's not about the film; it's about the reaction to it. Otherwise, 'Piss Christ' would receive the same treatment.

As for 'Piss Christ', Fox News Radio's Todd Starnes has more:
“Piss Christ,” once branded as a “deplorable, despicable display of vulgarity,” will be displayed at the Edward Tyler Nahem Gallery in Manhattan on Thursday. The artwork features a “photograph of the crucifix submerged in the artist’s urine.”

The artwork debuted in 1989 and was funded through prize money provided by the National Endowment for the Arts. The art gallery hosting the retrospective salute to Andres Serrano is privately owned.

Religious groups and some lawmakers have already started sounding off – and making comparisons to the controversy over a recent anti-Muslim film. The low budget movie “Innocence of Muslims” sparked violent and deadly clashes across the globe.

It also brought strong rebukes, condemnations and apologies from President Obama, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and a host of administration officials.

The administration tried to have the film removed from YouTube – but Google rebuffed their request. The State Dept. spent $70,000 on a Pakistani television advertisement rebuking the film. And the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff personally telephoned a Christian minister in Florida to ask him to withdraw his support of the film.

Rep. Michael Grimm (R, C-NY) wants to know why President Obama hasn’t denounced the exhibit and said he’s fed up with what he called the administration’s “religious hypocrisy.”

“The Obama administration’s hypocrisy and utter lack of respect for the religious beliefs of Americans has reached an all-time high,” Grimm told Fox News. “I call on President Obama to stand up for America’s values and beliefs and denounce the ‘Piss Christ’ that has offended Christians at home and abroad.”

So will the Obama Administration condemn the anti-Christian art display? Will they air a television ad denouncing the exhibit? Will the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff ask the gallery to cancel the exhibit? 
The White House did not return calls seeking comment. Neither did the Pentagon.
Does that mean that Serrano won't be receiving a phone call from Chairman of the Joint Chief of Staff, General Martin Dempsey?

So taxpayer dollars were both used to decry an anti-Muslim film and subsidize an anti-Christian piece of art.

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